On Wed Oct 05, 2005 at 11:50:52AM -0400, Matthew Crocker wrote:
> I opened a billing/support ticket with Cogent.   I'm not planning on  
> paying my bill or continuing the contract if they cannot provide full  
> BGP tables and full Internet transport (barring outages).   Luckily I  
> have 2 other providers so I can still reach Level 3.

We tried the same line with Level3 - and were told "Tough, we're not paying
service credit. The transit still works, just its coverage is slightly 
> Maybe I can buy the new 'Cogent - it is almost the Internet' service  
> for less money.

Indeed, that's the natural next step.

Simon Lockhart | * Sun Server Colocation * ADSL * Domain Registration *
   Director    |    * Domain & Web Hosting * Internet Consultancy * 
  Bogons Ltd   | * http://www.bogons.net/  *  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * 

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