vijay gill wrote:

 Brzzzt!  lost both points.

  My prior email was [EMAIL PROTECTED], Charter Nanog member.


Then perhaps you'd know better than to think that Bernie knew what peering even was? Apparently not.


*DO* try to be less vitriolic, TIA..

"Those of you who know think you know it all,
irritate those of us who -really- do. "  - C'ya!


as-set:     AS-ONECALL
descr:      ONECALL transit AS's, and VNAP pathways
members:    AS-INDNET, AS-INDYNET, AS11820, AS87, AS5072, AS1767,
           AS5689, AS6402, AS7206, AS7900, AS8169, AS10680,
AS11069, AS11550, AS11114, AS22311, AS11780, AS10694, AS12277, AS13394,
           AS12074, AS10403, AS10718, AS6571, AS6164, AS11126, AS27443,
           AS11106, AS21997, AS-IEI, AS-IONENET, AS-21903, AS8011, AS26212

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