On Thu, 6 Oct 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> A few years ago you could probably bamboozle them about your
> secret sauce containing "transit free", "peering", "x exchange points"
> and so on. Today I suspect they are less susceptible to that
> kind of story and more likely to rely on the experience of
> existing customers. And if the existing customers of L3 and
> Cogent are experiencing agony, what kind of marketing story
> does that tell?

Let me be the punching bag for pondering this on NANOG... What about the
roles of governments building a consortium with Teir-1 NSP's where those
backbone Tiers are regulated and have predefined, strictly enforced
rulesets they'd have to follow. The irony of this is that it sounds both
like a nightmare and a dream.

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Where in the US there would be a main focal tier funded by this
consortium. This might minimize the roles of greedy corporate execs
breaking routes. It would be (again) funded by the gov, taxes, and monies
can be generated by peering with this network. The monies charged would be
sufficient to keep it running. In this plan, there could be less
mechanisms of Adelphia/Worldcom fuzzy math of selling a billion years
worth of bandwidth for write offs as well.

/* tip never write e-mail within the first hour of your waking morning */

J. Oquendo
GPG Key ID 0x97B43D89

"How a man plays the game shows something of his
 character - how he loses shows all" - Mr. Luckey

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