On Sat, 08 Oct 2005 20:41:55 BST, "Stephen J. Wilcox" said:
> my rule would be if your provider can manage an autonomous system better than 
> you and multihoming isnt a requirement of your business then let them take on 
> the management

I'm willing to bet there's a lot of single-homed customers of both Cogent and
L3 that 2 weeks ago didn't think multihoming was a requirement of their
business either, who now are contemplating it.  Plus possibly some single-homed
customers of other large providers as well.

Anybody want to start a pool on how many new AS numbers will get issued as a
result of this tiff, and what percent will commit a BGP whoopsie that impacts
more than just themselves within the first 6 months?

On the other hand, I see a business opportunity to sell new customers insurance
against self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the feet here.  Some providers might
even consider selling a managed service at a slight loss, just for 
self-defense.. :)

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