That reminds me of anycasting or routing issues.

Hackers did use this technique to make use of ip addresses not
really allocated. There would be no need for IPv6 if this was
more widespread.

How about claiming to be and setting up our
own root :)

Peter and Karin Dambier

>is that anything like using, in Cisco terms, a "fast-switching cache"
>vs a "FIB"?

On Oct 17, 2005, at 6:47 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
Well, let's try to turn the problem on its head and see if thats clearer; Imagine an internet where only your closest neighbors know you exist. The rest of the internet knows nothing about you, except there are mechanisms that let them "track you down" when necessary. That is very different from today's full-routing-table.

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