On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 09:03:45AM -1000, Randy Bush wrote:
> > Imagine a situation with no access to any means of direct communication
> > (phone etc). You've got a message to deliver to some person, and have no
> > idea where to find that person. Chances are there's a group of people
> > nearby you can ask. They may know how to find the one you're looking
> > for. If not they may know others they can ask on your behalf. Several
> > iterations later the person is located and you've established a path
> > through which you can pass the information you wanted.
> > 
> > Translated into cisco terms this mean that the FIB is just a partial
> > routing database, enough to start the search and otherwise handle
> > communications in the neighborhood (no more than X router-hops, maybe
> > AS-hops away). When the destination is located you keep that information
> > for a while in case there are more packets going to the same place,
> > similar to what you do with traditional route-cache.
> check out "The Landmark Hierarchy: A New Hierarchy for Routing in Very Large
> Networks"; Paul Tsuchiya; 1989.

        great stuff... i have a hardcopy. is it online yet?

--bill (checking citesear...)

> randy

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