On 17-okt-2005, at 14:18, Jeroen Massar wrote:

Another alternative is to force-align allocation and topology in some
way /other/ than by "Providers" (geographical allocation in whatever
hierarchy, IX allocation, whatever), such that networks were easily
aggregatable. Lots of objections though (the "providers and geography
don't align" one though is ultimately slightly bogus, because with
non-provider-aligned allocation policies in place it would be in
providers interests to align their peering to match the allocation

The current assumption is that all aggregation happens on ISP. Replacing that with the assumption that all aggregation will happen on geography isn't all that useful. The important thing here is that you can aggregate on pretty much anything: hair color, router vendor, market capitalization, you name it. In the end, you always aggregate on the way the addresses are given out, which may or may not be meaningful.

Aggregating on provider is the most powerful because the aggregate leads you fairly directly to the place where you need to go as long as the destination is single homed.

But suppose at some point we end up with a routing table consisting of 10 million PI blocks from multihomers and some unimportant stuff that disappears in the error margin (i.e., those 5000 IPv6 /20s for huge ISPs). Also suppose that it's possible to build a reasonably cost effective router that handles 1M routes, but this router technology doesn't scale to the next order of magnitude.

The simple solution is to build a big router that actually consists of 11 small ones: 10 sub-routers that each hold one tenth of the global routing table, and an 11th sub-router that distributes packets to the sub-router that holds the right part of the global routing table.

So sub-router 1 has the part of the global IPv6 routing table that falls within 2000::/6, sub-router 2 has 2400::/6, sub-router 3 2800::/6 and so on.

So we're aggregating here, but not really "on" something. This has the unpleasant side effect that we now have to spend 11 times more money to keep a 10 times larger routing table.

Alternatively, we can trade hardware costs for bandwidth, by having 10 routers that are present in the network anyway each handle part of the global routing table. So a router in Boston would handle everything under 2000::/6, a router in Chicago 2400::/6, one in Seattle 2800::/6 and so on. Obviously this isn't great if you're in Boston and your address is 2800::1, but it doesn't require additional hardware.

This scheme can be optimized by aligning addressing and geography to a reasonable degree. So if you're in Boston, you'd get 2000::1 rather than 2800::1. But that doesn't magically shrink the routing table to one route per city. In the case of Boston, it's likely that the source and destination ISPs for a certain packet don't interconnect within the city itself. So someone sitting in New York probably won't see much difference: he or she still has to carry all the routes for multihomers in Boston. Some of these will point to her own customers in Boston, some to peers in New York, others to peers in DC, and so on.

However, as distance increases the difference between "this packet needs to go to a customer in Boston", "this packet needs to go to a peer in New York" and "this packet needs to go to a peer in DC" becomes meaningless, so it's possible to replace a large number of individual routes by a single city or region aggregate.

So even without magic interconnection dust, aggregation based on geographical addressing can have benefits. However, it has several limitations. An important one is that early exit routing is replaced by late exit routing. Also, when someone multihomes by connecting to ISPs in Miami and Tokyo you don't get to aggregate. But worst case, you just don't get to aggregate, either because people multihome in weird ways, for traffic engineering reasons or because of lack of interconnection (however as interconnects become really sparse the savings go up again) so you're no worse off than today. But if and when the routing tables explode and routers can't keep up, having geographical addressing in place for multihoming allows for a plan B that we don't have today.

I think we need a researcher to sit down and
figure out exactly what this would look like
in a sample city and a sample national provider.

There has been quite some research on it, there where ideas, there was
even talk of a vendor going to implement it, but it never happened. It
won't work because of cash reasons (read: telco/transit don't want it)

I'm not familiar with that... Do you have a reference?

For your 'city data' check:

or for pre-processed files:
http://arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us/ipv6mh/ under "Geographical data".

Note that this page hasn't been updated in more than two years. When Michel started this initiative the IETF multihoming in IPv6 (multi6) working group was pretty much dead and it certainly wasn't considering any input. However, our efforts resulted in the wg coming back to life again, considering input, rejecting most of it, and start work on a solution in a new wg: shim6.

(Paul Jakma wrote something to the effect that I am involved with shim6 so that says something about other options. It doesn't, as far as I'm concerned. But shim6 is a worthy pursuit in its own right.)

For anyone who wants to read the latest version of all of this (still two years old, though): http://www.muada.com/drafts/draft-van-beijnum- multi6-isp-int-aggr-01.txt


Which indeed seems quite reasonable. The problem with this is:
 'who is paying for which traffic and to whom'

Just because I press the "up" button for the elevator doesn't mean I'm going to the top floor. Still, having one button for "down" and one for "up" rather than having a different one for each floor seems to work well for this initial part. Once you get inside the elevator you still have to pick a floor, of course.


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