On Sun, 23 Oct 2005, Daniel Roesen wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 11:59:15AM +0200, Peter Dambier wrote:
> > I means, here in germany we cannot see h.root-servers.net
> > Here is my traceroute to h.root-servers.net right now:
> So, where do you see a problem related to L3/Cogent there? Your
> traceroute hits DREN, the operator of h.root-servers.net.

agreed, looks like a dren 'issue' which MAY be a planned event? DREN
probably shouldn't filter traffic to/from h-root (aside from udp/53 |
tcp/53 traffic) no 'prefix-X not allowed to have access to h-root' sorts
of things) That said, they  MAY have done that, did someone (peter?) ask

> > ; <<>> DiG 9.1.3 <<>> . @h.root-servers.net
> > ;; global options:  printcmd
> > ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
> DREN seems to have a problem there. I can see absolutely NO connection
> to any L3/Cogent dispute.
> And testing from DTAG 84/8 space myself I have the same prob. Perhaps
> some bogus anti-bogon-filters at DREN in place?

That could be as well, I might be able to ask them perhaps as well.

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