> > We do not think, that _it wil be IPv6_. IPv6 is a good example of 
> > system, and do not looks as _succesfull_ for now.
> > And it is not definitely _LAST PROTOCOL_.
> >
> enter jim fleming (or those chinese guys, more recently) with ipv9

No, enter the National Science Foundation...

Jim Fleming's idea wasn't all that crazy and some people
are looking at similar partitioning schemes to make
IPv6 multihoming practical. The IPv9 idea from China
had nothing to do with IP, it was just a catchy marketing
name for yet another domain naming scheme like RealNames.

There really is serious, non-crazy research work going on
to make a better replacement for the Internet Protocol. 
And Dave Clark, author of this interesting document on 
Internet routing:
has recently been going around giving talks on fundamental
re-architecting the Internet. At MIT he is a director
of the CFP which is getting NSF GENI grant money to
explore this:

This is not the 1990's any more. ISO/CLNP has gone away.
ATM has been embraced in MPLS. PSTN is being embraced
in VoIP such as the British Telecom 21CN initiative.
What was crazy yesterday, is thinkable today.

In the end, IPv6 may be able to incorporate enough of
these new ideas to continue as the last protocol. But
we don't know that yet.

--Michael Dillon

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