On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, Gary Hale wrote:

  Hmmm ... I suppose I would prefer this community not be made an 
  explicit source of information for a reporter. Implicitly, if 
  reporters must hang off this thread, they should be able to 
  discern impact from perspective given here. However, if questions 
  like the one(s) asked below became "standard" on this thread, then 
  soon the function of the group slants to something other than a 
  forum to aid (each other) in the proper "management" of the 
  affairs of Network Operators ... and may morph into something far 
  less useful.

Give me a break. This list becoming "less useful"?!
Alert the press! (or maybe not, according to you)

Traditionally, there has been a real knowledge gap between 
technology journalists and network operators. This has the negative 
effect of mainstream media presenting incorrect and/or skewed 
information regarding not only technical issues, but larger industry 
issues (including things like l3/cogent).

Without clued contacts, journalists are forced to glean their 
information from sources like vendor press releases and sales 

Is that how you'd like the public's window into the industry 
colored? Do you really think that VendorSpeak really needs any more 


              The only thing necessary for the triumph
              of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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