RB> Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 11:03:44 -0600 (CST)
RB> From: Robert Bonomi

RB> "Upgrades" or 'fixes' that cause a machine to run noticably _slower_ than
RB> the 'down-rev' machine are a really good way to alienate customers.  
RB> thosw whose machines are running at nearly 100% capacity before the 

True, but saying "sorry, there's no fix for this vulnerability" doesn't 
win many points, either.  Given a choice between "no fix" and "may need 
new hardware", which would you choose?

RB> If there is a way to render the matter 'harmless' -without- the performance
RB> hit of the 'do it in the theoretically correct manner', *and* that 
RB> solution can be delivered in weeks (vs. -years-, for a 'theoretically 
RB> approach), there is _clear_benefit_ to taking the 'incorrect' route.  
RB> that accrues both to the manufacturer _and_ to the CUSTOMERS.

Definitely.  If there is not such a way... then what?

RB> "Irrelevant", when the subject under discussion is pre-existing code that
RB> is _known_ to have (at least one) buffer-overflow problem.  "Do it right 
RB> the first time" is a _really_ difficult target, when the consensus as to
RB> what 'do it right' *means* has changed _since_ the code in question was
RB> first written.  <wry grin>

It's relevant in the sense of learning from the past.  I agree that, 
operationally, one could make comments about barns and horses that have 

If "do it right" has changed, does that mean "correctness" did not 
originally include "do not allow non-trustworthy input to alter 
behavior"?  If this is so, then the original definitions were 

RB> > Hopefully the code is modular.  e.g., running cscope and searching for 
RB> > strcpy(3) invocations is easier than tracking down implemented-in-place 
RB> > equivalents.
RB> *snicker*  _That_ only addresses one small subset of the underlying problem.

Very good.  Quick grammar lesson: "e.g." stands for _exempli gratia_, 
meaning "for example".  One could reasonably conclude that I was giving 
one example rather than attempting a comprehensive coverage of all 

RB> strncpy() and/or memcpy() can also corrupt memory -- when the 'length' param
RB> is larger than the receiving field, for example.  This can happen, for 
RB> when the 'length' is taken 'on faith' from user input, and not validated.

Of course.  Let's dispense with the straw man, though.  My point was 
that, hopefully, code is written in a way that lends itself to quick 
searching.  In no way did I say "using strncmp() is the ultimate answer 
to all security vulnerabilities".  To claim such would be asinine.

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