On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, Randy Bush wrote:

> >     Maybe not such an odd question; Anywhoo, we have quite a few
> > people who register our IP addresses as nameservers, and then never
> > delete the records. I don't suppose there is any way that we can delete
> > these old records, we have appealed to multiple registrars such as
> > godaddy, enom, and the like to remove these bogus NS records from our IP
> > space which keep our new customers from using these IP addresses for
> > hosting but they claim that we have no grounds even though we are the
> > legitimate 'keepers' of said IP space. This is mainly a problem for
> > customers who use software such as cPanel which likes to always make NS
> > records automatically, and customers almost never remove these at their
> > registrar.
> in named.conf
> zone "2.96.192.in-addr.arpa"    { type master; file "primary/bogus.ia"; };
> in the zone file
> *                       PTR     some.schmuck.lame.delegated.to.RAIN.PSG.COM.
> or
> zone "someschmuck.com"          { type master; file "primary/bogus.fwd"; };
> and
> @                       MX    0 some.schmuck.lame.delegated.to.RAIN.PSG.COM.
> *                       MX    0 some.schmuck.lame.delegated.to.RAIN.PSG.COM.

Don't forget:

www                IN             CNAME         goatse.cx



Chris Owen                ~ Garden City (620) 275-1900 ~  Lottery (noun):
President                 ~ Wichita     (316) 858-3000 ~    A stupidity tax
Hubris Communications Inc ~       www.hubris.net       ~

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