On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 03:29:15AM +0000, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
> Some vendors have asked and received this sort of thing, does huwei (which
> I butchered the spelling of) want one? (or need one?) how about netgear
> and their lovely NTP issue? or checkpoint or ... there are quite a few
> vendors out there, some even attend NANOG. If they listened to their
> customers I suspect they'd hear: "I want a secure platform!" quite loudly.

Only from the engineers.  From the money people (Layer 8), they may be
hearing: "I want an inexpensive platform, and make it as easy to manage
as MS Windows, so I don't have to hire all these expensive network
engineers, eh?"

The trick may be to get the Layer 9 people to understand that this is a
losing proposition.

Joe Yao
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