On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, (nanog) Brian Battle wrote:

I wish there was a system that let you do the following:

* Store and encrypt logins/passwords and access logs in a database
* Assign permissions (add new logins/passwords, change password...)
 to those passwords on a per user/group basis, based on an existing
 authentication scheme (Windows AD, LDAP, Kerberos...)
* SSL web frontend
* Reporting.  If a user leaves and you want to know which passwords
 he had access to or has ever accessed so you can change them, this
 would be really really nice.

BBN Planet had a nice application that did all of this. It was super nice. The only time you were in trouble was when you needed the password for the box that ran the application. (don't laugh! it happened to me once- but for some reason, i was precient enough to have it on a little piece of paper in my wallet)


              The only thing necessary for the triumph
              of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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