> seems to me that certified validation of prefix ownership and as
> path are the only real way out of these problems that does not
> teach us the 42 reasons we use a *dynamic* protocol.

Wouldn't a well-operated network of IRRs used by 95% of
network operators be able to meet all three of your

-certified prefix ownership
-certified AS path ownership
-dynamic changes to the above two items

It seems to me that most of the pieces needed to do
this already exist. RPSL, IRR softwares, regional
addressing authorities (RIRs). If there are to be
certified AS paths in a central database this also
opens the door to special arrangements for AS path
routing that go beyond peering, i.e. agreements with
the peers of your peers.

Seems to me that operational problem solving works
better when the problem is not thrown into the laps
of the protocol designers.

--Michael Dillon

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