Martin Hannigan wrote:

My answer, in short, was to say that I see it as more of an enterprise
play because it's a managed service and the hardest part of
provisioning is typically the order cycle.
If you are an ISP, you are theoretically multi homed by definition
and your providers are going to remain fairly stable (you hope)
based on your own needs.

My point remains: designs based on such assumptions are not a good idea, since these assumptions are by no means fundamental and could certainly change. People get creative with how they announce prefixes, change upstreams, etc., and you can't assume that things like this would stay the way they are.

As an aside, another question occurred to me about delaying unusual announcements. Boeing Connexion offers another example of unorthodox prefix announcements. Wouldn't the tactic of delaying unusual announcements would cause problems for this service?


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