On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 12:35:19 PST, Tony Hain said:
> Rather than sit back and complain about the results, why not try to
> synchronize meeting times. Not necessarily hotels, but within a reasonable
> distance of each other so the issue about ROI for the trip can be mitigated.

The IETF apparently has some major scheduling problems as it is, because there
are very few venues that can handle the number of people that show up *and*
have the right mix of large rooms and many smaller break-out rooms.  Trying to 
it into a hotel opposite a NANOG would just exacerbate the problem.

And there's nothing stopping NANOG types from joining an IETF working group and
participating via e-mail - there's a large number of people who have contributed
to the IETF process and never actually been sighted at an IETF meeting.

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