On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 08:46:34PM -0600, sjk wrote:
> We're a small facilities based ISP in Chicago and I am looking for a 
> public exchange point for peering. I have been told, by someone at SBC, 
> that the public NAP here is no longer accepting connections and is 
> essentially going to shut down over time. Has anyone else heard this? Are 
> there other exchange options - other then to haul transport to multiple 
> net operators?

It's freaking 2006 here, please let AADS die a slow and horrible death.

The only serious IX currently operating in Chicago is at Equinix, and is 
Ethernet only. Whether they have power or space for you is another matter. 
If you're confused by any of this, you probably shouldn't be peering, 
especially given the price of transit.

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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