Holy crap I'm about to make an on-topic nanog post (IPs changed to 
protect the guilty)...

Anyone else out there seeing issues with some funky communities in the 
global table around oh say:

Apr  3 00:29:33.457 UTC: %BGP-6-BIGCHUNK: Big chunk pool request (252) for 
community. Replenishing with malloc

Apparently it seems to be smoking a few Foundry's out there.

The only thing I've seen logged is:

bgp_read_v4_message: NOTIFICATION received from x.x.x.x (External 
AS xxxxx): code 3 (Update Message Error) subcode 4 (attribute flags 
error), Data:  d0 08 01 00 04 d7

So, dusting off my rarely used bgp parsing skills for a second...

0d == attribute flags, including extended length
08 == attribute type communities
0x04d7 == 1239

Based on a lead from some other folks who noticed that this particular 
issue went away when they stopped accepting routes from AS5400, I noticed:

* (7 entries, 1 announced)
     Nexthop: x.x.x.x
     AS path: 5400 5588 8246 8364 I ()
     Communities: 1239:100 1239:110 5400:49 5400:2004 5400:2005 5400:2014 
5400:2016 5400:2023 5400:2027 5400:2029 5400:2032 5400:2033 5400:2034 
5400:2044 5400:2045 5400:2048 5400:2061 5400:2103 5400:2106 5400:2109 
5400:2110 5400:2112 5400:2116 5400:2117 5400:2121 5400:2123 5400:2124 
5400:2128 5400:2130 5400:2133 5400:2145 5400:2151 5400:2169 5400:2174 
5400:2500 5588:1001 5588:2048 5588:3003 5588:21016 8246:2 8246:31 

Anybody else seeing this issue? Just a generic Foundry/extended length bug 
being set off by as5400 getting a little community happy?

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

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