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On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 06:49:18PM -0400, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> Its just NTP, I can't imagine that it is *really* enough traffic to care
> all that much. There are probably a hundred people on this list who could
> donate free transit for this and not give it a second thought (hell if I
> had a pop anywhere close to .dk I would donate a gigabit solely to end
> this nanog thread before it turns into a bunch of self-righteous whining).

It actually does end up being a lot. My fairly modest public ntp server
gets about an average 11.38pps in traffic which ends up being almost
4GB/month. It ends up being about 2,300 unique clients over the perioud
an hour. While I'm unsure of how many routers D-Link sold, but I would
be suprised if it's not at least 100x that.

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