On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:

Hi Mat,

I'm not sure what providers are already present in your area, may be will be
easier if you mention some of the choices you have.

In general I will say that you can rely on companies such as Global
Crossing, Teleglobe, NTT/Verio, Tiscali, Sparkle/Seabone, TIWS, OpenTransit,
Cable&Wireless, etc. (they are not in any specific preference order, just as
they come to my mind right now).

But there are many more. I'm actually trying to have a web page with a
listing of all the IPv6-ready Telcos and ISPs in the world. Some information
is available at http://www.ipv6tf.org/guide/organizations/services/isp.php
and for IXs at http://www.ipv6tf.org/guide/organizations/services/ix.php,
but not updated at the time being.

Hi All,

Frequently updated source for the IXs bit...


Some IXs have member lists with an IPv6 column :-)

Also on https://www.euro-ix.net/isp/choosing/search/matrix.php

...there is a "Number of IPv6 customers" column that some may find interesting! ;-)

IMHO, local peerings (through IXs) are an important part when trying to setup an IPv6 service. But without the transit part solved, perhaps the best way is to wait (i'm not really a tunnel fan...). The real way forward is to ask(&pay) for IPv6 to upstream providers (when your customers start to ask/demand for it).

Best Regards,


         Wide Area Network (WAN) Workgroup, CMF8-RIPE, CF596-ARIN
FCCN - Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional  http://www.fccn.pt

 "Internet is just routes (175261/555), naming (millions) and... people!"

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