Matt Ghali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
>> .. after content scanning, user1 wants the mail, user2 doesn't. Now what
>> ?
> Gosh gomer, is 2821 not available in Books On Tape format?

Aww, but reading is *hard*!

The simple answer is that RFCs discuss mechanism, and the BOFH decides the
policy. As BOFH, I apply the union of the spamfiltering rules selected by
the recipients. 2xx/4xx/5xx is given in response to the final period, so
false positives are reported to the sender who will presumably resend to the
failed recipients if it's anything important.

The reasoning for my policy is that by having multiple recipients, it's
already starting to look a bit pink, and the user that's explicitly asked to
not receive spam cares more than those who have expressed no opinion. Nobody
has yet asked to be opted *out* of the spam filtering.

When you have a thermic lance, everything looks like hours of fun.
                        - Christian Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in the Monastery

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