At 08:11 PM 4/19/2006, Alex Rubenstein wrote:

On many of the public colo houses earnings calls, they told
analysts that they are trying to keep contracts to one year
so they can raise prices year over year, that power pricing is
fluid and many facilities are being expanded both space and
environmental, that most locations really are full or being held
down by lack of cooling for existing dense rack space. Basically
get ready to hold out your wallet.

Is it that?

Or, is it some of these companies no realising that charging $250 for a 20 amp outlet is less than their cost, even three years ago?

I don't know, but I was selling only measured power in 2001 and people liked
it. Granted, power was cheaper, but pay as you go was a good model. You still
had to cool to breaker density, but it was nice to have no power risk and I
would recommend that anyone who can, should convert to measured power billing.

Remember when folks thought Exodus was crazy for 220w per square foot?


Martin Hannigan                                (c) 617-388-2663
Renesys Corporation                            (w) 617-395-8574
Member of Technical Staff                      Network Operations

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