At 10:11 PM 5/2/2006, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:

On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 06:40:43PM -0700, Tim Pozar wrote:
> UL is seeing a large DDOS coming towards a couple of customers of ours.
>  I know that other ISPs have been affected as well.  I will let them
> identify them selves.
> Anyone have any scoop on this?

A) I don't think anyone knows who UL is by that reference alone (I assume
   you mean united layer).

B) The DoS target is Livejournal.

C) As an upstream of an upstream of LJ I'm barely seeing 150Mbps or so of
   it. No indications of exactly how big it is by the time it hits them,
   but at least from my perspective it doesn't seem like a huge attack.

Hope it stops soon though, a sustained livejournal outage is probably
grounds for at least 4-5 suicides by distraught teenagers who can't blog
about their day. :)

Add in the Blue Security DDOS. NSP-SEC must be busy defending DDoS'ers tonight
keeping them from helping people defend LiveJournal.

Uh. Who let the Frog out?,70798-0.html?

Martin Hannigan                                (c) 617-388-2663
Renesys Corporation                            (w) 617-395-8574
Member of Technical Staff                      Network Operations

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