Here's the current list of confirmed agenda items for NANOG 37,
coming up June 4-7 in San Jose, CA:

Sunday, June 4:
    Newcomer Orientation and Reception, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
    Steering Committee Community Meeting, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

General Session: Mornings, June 5-7
    Managing 100+ Million IP Addresses    Alain Durand, Comcast

    Authentication for TCP-based Routing and Management Protocols
                                          Ron Bonica, Juniper

    Anatomy of Recent DNS Reflector Attacks From the Victim and
    Reflector Points of Views             Frank Scalzo, Versisign

    Panel: Network Neutrality—What Does It Mean To Operators?
Dan Golding, Tier1 Research, moderator

    Understanding the Network-Level Behavior of Spammers
Anirudh Ramachandran and Nick Feamster, Georgia Institute of Technology

    Research Forum:
        Pretty Good BGP and the Internet Alert Registry
Josh Karlin, University of New Mexico

        Active Measurement of the AS Path Prepending Method
Samantha Lo and Rocky K. C. Chang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

        Efficient Internet Routing with Independent ISPs
Ratul Mahajan, David Wetherall,
                                         and Thomas Anderson,
University of Washington/ Microsoft Research
Lightning Talks - short talks of immediate interest, sellected on-site

Tutorials and BOFs: Afternoons, June 5-6
    Disaster Recovery for Customers: Physician, Heal Thyself
    Level: Introductory/Intermediate    Howard Berkowitz

    MPLS Traffic Engineering
    Level: Introductory/Intermediate    Pete Templin, TexLink

    Fundamentals of Passive Monitoring Access
    Level: Introductory/Intermediate    Joy Weber, Net Optics

    BGP Techniques for Service Providers
    Level: Introductory/Intermediate    Philip Smith, Cisco

Exchange Operators BOF Moderators: Celeste Anderson, USC, and Joe Abley, ISC

BGP Tools BOF Moderators: Dan Massey, Colorado State University Nick Feamster, Georgia Institute of Technology
                                    and Lixia Zhang

    OPSEC Working Group BOF     Moderator: Ross Callon, Juniper

    Peering BOF XII             Moderator: William B. Norton, Equinix

    PGP Key Signing             Moderator: Joe Abley, ISC

More topics will be announced late this week.

Please note that the early registration discount period ends this coming
Sunday, May 14, and the discount hotel room block ends on Monday, May 22.

As always, current information and links for meeting registration and hotel
reservations are available at

    For the Program Committee,
    Steve Feldman, chair

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