Paul Vixie wrote:
i intended to be present for the Q&A after joao's DLV talk but
i was told that being there without having registered was rude.
you were attending nanog without registering and paying?  that is
rude.  have you offered to pay retroactively?  that would be the
honorable thing to do.

attending nanog wasn't an option.  i hadn't realized that sitting in on
joao's talk so i could be there for Q&A equalled attendance, and so i
neither paid nor offered retroactively to pay.  do you really think i
should?  (i asked everybody i met on site, and was universally told by
those i asked to "stop worrying about it".)

Having not been present at this nanog, I'm going to respond at face value based upon what I've read.

If Paul is present specifically and only for Q&A that pertains to subject matter with which he is knowledgeable, his presence helps the ops community.

I have not seen any writings that indicate that Paul was at b&g or bofs or other portions of the conference.

Based upon that data, I am inclined to support Paul.

The proper procedure would have been to let Merit know that he would be there to support the individual presenting the talk.

Other than that, I see no offense.

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