The point that I was trying to make (admittedly REALLY badly) was that this is not the 'next big thing' .

Did you read anything more than just that article?

IBMs press release is here:
and they have a video here: frozen_chip_wmv.html

This is not a new technology (IBM shipped their 100 millionth SiGe chip in around 2002 and if you look at the SONET chipset on an OC48 or greater interface chances are its SiGe), but the speed in cheap material is (Feng & Hafez achieved >600Ghz in indium doped) -- this is primarily just a bragging right though. It requires liquid helium temperatures, something that is not practical in the near term, and requires a LOT of power to achieve.

On Jun 20, 2006, at 2:05 PM, Chris Adams wrote:

Once upon a time, Warren Kumari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
Nope, all this says is that with sufficient cooling you can go
faster. What we need is going faster with less cooling.

Read the article, not the headline.  They got 350GHz at room
temperature (which is a lot more interesting than 500GHz a few degrees
above absolute zero).

Yes -- the previous silicon based speed record *at room temp* was 375Ghz.


Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

"Have you got any previous convictions?"

"Well, I dunno... I suppose I used to believe very firmly that a penny saved is a penny earned--"
-- Terry Pratchett

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