On Jul 3, 2006, at 12:09 AM, Paul Vixie wrote:

well, i see that fezhead is dead.  but 3-party TCP is alive and well:

see also <http://www.tenereillo.com/GSLBPageOfShame.htm>
and      <http://www.tenereillo.com/GSLBPageOfShameII.htm>.

Paul - I'm still eagerly waiting your reply to Patrick's questions.

Here at least we finally have something to read other than relying on blind faith, but the author is so convinced DNS based GSLB doesn't work[1] (and gives good examples of why it doesn't). However, these are all pretty much theoretical examples, and there's no explanation of why DNS based CDNs do in fact work so well in practice[2].

[1] FSVO "doesn't work" that is...
[2] I was going to say "appear to work so well", but that's unfair use of sarcasm - I know just how well at least one CDN works :)

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