That’s exactly it... they are doing site indexing .. if you like google...
you'll need to like them! =P

I personally wouldn’t worry about anything in the logs unless you start
seeing attempts to search and exploit .cgi and executable files...


> Google is your friend?
> They're a search engine. robots.txt and forget it.
> Malcolm
> Jim Popovitch wrote:
>> Feel free to clue me in on this please... ;-)
>> What is   And why is it constantly performing
>> "questionable" queries (mostly http) across every IP that I have
>> access to check.
>> I get a could of thousand hits (mostly questionable non-existing URL
>> requests) from that ip (  Anyone else
>> seeing/questioning this?
>> Completewhois shows some listings in some RBLs, but not the more
>> popular ones.
>> -Jim P.

Payam Tarverdyan Chychi
Network Analyst

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