On August 1, 2006 at 11:50 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Weeks) wrote:
 > there has to be a technical way to do this, rather 
 > than a diplomatic way as the diplomatic ways historically 
 > have not worked in the other areas mentioned, so they 
 > probably won't work here, either.  Or we have to keep 
 > going until one can be contrived.  Many good attempts 
 > have been made and there will be more to come until we 
 > hopefully rid ourselves of the sickness others of lower 
 > values force on us daily...

I have nothing against technical solutions tho after over ten years of
a lot of smart people trying, and a grand prize of probably a billion
dollars increase in personal wealth, it doesn't seem forthcoming.

However, I do take exception to the assertion that "diplomatic ways
historically have not worked in other areas mentioned".

I think what you mean is that they haven't worked perfectly, but
slipped the semantics a little. Surely you didn't mean to say that all
efforts to oppose, e.g., the human slave trade have been in vain?

The effectiveness has a lot to do with the profitability making the
risk worthwhile (e.g., drug trade), and who the crime appeals to; some
poor, desparate people will take risks others won't (e.g., high-seas

Unfortunately all this reasoning might be edifying but it leads

        -Barry Shein

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