If you are blacklisted due of SPAM, and this happens often when you are an 
ISP, there is not automatic process.


On Tuesday 08 August 2006 11:36, Stephen Satchell wrote:
> Stefan Hegger wrote:
> > We have the same problem. We are blacklisted and I filled out the
> > webform. I got an email regarding ticket number and account/password to
> > track the ticket. But it seems that nobody is working on it.
> There has been extensive discussion on NANAE and NANABl newsgroups on
> this issue.  The bottom line:  The SORBS ticket queue is handled by a
> group of unpaid volunteers, and there is quite a backlog.  That's why
> there is the automatic de-listing system in place, which requires proper
> host names and longer time-to-live (TTL) values in rDNS.
> Yes, it's a bit of work, but it beats waiting for someone to get around
> to your ticket.
> No, I'm not associated in any way with SORBS, just an interested
> observer and system administrator who has had to deal with listings myself.

Stefan Hegger
Internet System Engineer
Tel: +49 5241 8071 334

Lycos Europe GmbH
Carl-Bertelsmann Str. 29
Postfach 315
33311 Gütersloh

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