On 8/9/06, Noel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 07:39, Aaron Glenn wrote:

> That (blocking SMTP) could become illegal is some proposed "net
> neutrality" legislation is passed.

Man, I really butchered that one. I look so much smarter when I don't
post on NANOG...

hahaha try enforcing that in other countries

That has never stopped the US from making terrible policy (-:

also, most networks are private (not state run) therefore we have the
right to say yes/no what data enters our own network, because unless
unless a contract (payment) exists for the senders ISP to receivers ISP
to accept data off them, the senders ISP can be told to go to hell :)

We're talking about owned Windows boxes on consumer/retail access
networks (cable/dsl/whathaveyou).

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