william> In the way you describe it any spam filter is bad any spam
  william> filter manufacturer should go to jail...

Manufacturer?  No.  It is perfectly permissible for a recipient to run
a filter over his own mail if he wishes.  

Jail?  Not what I said.  I said postal workers couldn't get away with
this behavior.  The laws governing email are different.  BUT:

    They aren't as different as is generally believed.  Go read the
    ECPA sometime.

    Being legal isn't the same thing as being moral.  The world would
    be a better place if people started worrying about doing what is
    right rather than only avoiding what will get them in jail.

If I seem testy about this it is because I am.  A friend of mine with
cancer died recently.  I learned later she sent me email befoe she
died.  It did not reach me because some arrogant fool thought he knew
better than me what I wanted to read.  And it isn't the first time or
the only sender with which I have had this problem.  I have had plenty
of users with the same complaint as well.

I have in the past considered this antispam stuff "ill advised" or
"something I oppose".  Expect me to fight it tooth and nail from now

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