On Fri, 11 Aug 2006, Florian Weimer wrote:

I assumed your Internet cafe example was the concrete scenario you
were trying to address.  There are quite a few scaners which contain

Not only.  Just used as an example so everyone can be on the same page.

There are hugely different two scenarios:

 1. Spammers buy your Internet service and use it to send spam.

 2. Regular customers catch some piece of malware and their computers
    send spam.

In the first case, you get rid of the customers (possibly involving
law enforcement because many of the advertised products and services
are illegal).  In the second case, you need a general anti-malware
strategy, and webmailers are the least of your problems.

From an anti-spam standpoint, the two cases above are one and the same.
I want to BLOCK outgoing spam. For case #2, the regular customer will have their http blocked until they clean their computer in regards to malware-spitting-spam. For case #1, the spammer will be blocked from sending spam and will go elsewhere. Law enforcement is not an option since in many third world countries where this takes place, spam is the least of LEO worries.

-Hank Nussbacher

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