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Peter Cohen wrote:
> 2.   with regard to safety of laptops, if you mean that exec's are
> targets of robberies, than this further lends value i suspect of
> keeping everything on the network and having passwords to reach the
> network from the laptop, etc....  Nothing on the laptop but pics of
> the kids and mp3's.  all downloaded legally of course...    secure
> computing/safeword/etc.. to reach your remote files would seem like a
> good idea...

That sounds like good advise, however being the sibling of a former
executive from the same company as the OP, I don't think that advice
would, er... fly (bad pun).  The problem isn't securing the data, it's
educating the user... and that can't be done in the time between today
and the next executives flight.  Laptop security really sucks these
days... this is certainly an area for a lot more focused thought.  One
could easily spend less than $1000 paying off baggage handlers to
side-track laptops, boot them one time from a CD containing a rootkit
installer, and put them on the original or next flight.  Which exec
would ever know what happened?

- -Jim P.
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