On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 12:31 -0400, Derek J. Balling wrote:
> Who forwards NANOG posts to a blogger gateway? You, me, and a
> claw-hammer need to have a chat.

Can I join in the fun? I'll bring some tubing along, Sin City style ;)

> Begin forwarded message:

> > 
> > Blogger does not accept multipart/signed files.

I've also mailed [EMAIL PROTECTED] about this, like two weeks ago,
but I guess they are on holidays or they don't accept multipart/signed
messages I guess ;) Next to the fact that it is nearly impossible to
find the culprit as the stupid blogger crap doesn't list the path over
which they actually received the message.

Apparently other lists have had similar issues before:

Longer, partially german version:

or short: blogger.com can't care less, there seem to be a lot more of
these cases when simply googling for [EMAIL PROTECTED], simply
checking for people subscribed from @blogger.com might help to find the
culprit though. Other routine would be to send a signed message to every
single subscriber, maybe starting from the newest subscribers down and
see which one pongs back with this crap.


PS: the mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] link on:
http://www.nanog.org/listadmins.html is broken as it has
"mailto://[EMAIL PROTECTED]", which should be without the slashes.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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