On Wed, 6 Sep 2006, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Sep 2006, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> > seems to be loads of people doing a lot of posting and reading, where else 
> > would the volume of that traffic come from?
> I guess experiences differ from different organisations, when I discovered 
> that server-server traffic was at least 10x more than people actually read 
> (server-client) I didn't feel like trying to get my (then) employer 
> continue running the NNTP server.
> My feeling today (or rather, 3-5 years ago) is that NNTP is used instead 
> of bittorrent and other PtP protocols to move copyrighted material, and 
> I'd say that it probably makes more sense for some to let their users 
> invest in that drivespace than to have themselves run an NNTP server and 
> spend operational resources on keeping it running well.
> I've also heard people complaining about a few NNTP users causing a lot of 
> helpdesk tickets in respect to "single message missing" because they 
> cannot download that 4.7 gig ISO correctly because a message got lost 
> somewhere in the middle.

I came to much the same conclusion several years ago, when we finally 
decommissioned our NNTP Servers and out-sourced the service to an outside 
company. Running an NNTP server was a full-time job, and the 500 or so 
people that used it didn't generate enough revenue for us to continue 
managing it inside.

    Vice President of N2Net, a New Age Consulting Service, Inc. Company
         http://www.n2net.net Where everything clicks into place!

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