On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 12:18:59PM -0700, David Schwartz wrote:
>       Even if you assume that allocations made by ARIN are not property, it's
> hard to argue that pre-ARIN allocations are not. They're not subject to
> revocation and their grant wasn't conditioned on compliance with policies.

I don't understand how you can assert this.  Use of IP addresses follows
the current policies, whatever they are.  They have no grandfathered

Oops, here I am sounding like I know something about lawyering.  ;-)  I
think we all need to either wait for the results, or if so moved, send
in amicus curiae briefs.  Not a lot else we can do, since few if any of
us are lawyers, except pray that the judge is enlightened.

Joe Yao
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