
On Sep 11, 2006, at 1:34 PM, Vince Fuller wrote:

On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 10:28:49AM -0700, Vince Fuller wrote:
One might also imagine that more globally-friendly way to implement this would have been to build a network (VPN would be adequate) between the ground stations and assign each plane a prefix out of a block whose subnets are only dynamically advertsed within that network/VPN. Doing that would prevent the rest of the global Internet from having to track 1000 + routing
changes per prefix per day as satellite handoffs are performed.

As has been said before, and is also readable in that blog entry: the
system is supposed to create *one* advertisement change when the plane
is crossing from the "Europe" to the "US" ground station (etc.), not

The comment still applies. Imagine that this system were implemented globally on all international/intercontinental air routes. It would still be nice to avoid having each of those airplanes cause a globally-visible routing update
whenever it crosses some geographical boundary.

In a typical flight Europe / China I believe that there would be order 10-15 satellite transponder / ground station changes. The satellite footprints count for more that the geography.



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