Look at this page: http://www.arin.net/cgi-bin/member_list.pl
Every one of those organizations has disclosed to ARIN
all their customer names, etc... That is the way things
are done. If you don't want to play ball like the rest
of us, then you are not going to get IP addresses. That's
the simple truth. We have a level playing field and you
are asking for special privileges that other organizations
don't feel are necessary.

--Michael Dillon

        I think you are confusing ARIN membership with ARIN
resource recipient.  The two are not synonymous although there
is a great deal of overlap.

        An end-user recipient is not necessarily an ARIN member.
An ARIN member is not necessarily a recipient.  True, all
ISP recipients are ARIN members since that is an automatic
aspect of their subscriber status, providing much of the overlap,
but, not the complete definition.


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