On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 12:11:33AM -0400, Jared Mauch wrote:
> > Does it impact the network operation?
> > 
> > Eg, does it adversely affect the network? (say, like Beagle did.)
>       I was thinking sql-slammer, massive flood causing signifcant
> amount of network infrastructure to go down.  (people on low speed links
> with large blocks of address space were DoS'ed off the network).
>       I don't think of drive-by browser/desktop infection as a networking
> issue, more of an end-host issue.

Even more to the point, a lot of people with network infrastructure that 
couldn't handle random destination traffic were affected. Such impact is 
precisely the kind of thing that should be discussed on NANOG, both from 
an operational "how do we deal with this" and a design "what you should 
know about your gear when it doesn't have a prepopulated table in its fast 
path" perspective.

A web browser crapping out has nothing to do with networks, or network 
operations. I'm not aware of any network of any consequence where the 
people who run, design, or build the infrastructure have any relationship 
to end user tech support call centers. I'm sure there are many fines 
places where this particular issue is great on-topic discussion, but since 
as Gadi said it not only has nothing to do with BGP but nothing to do with 
networks at all, this just isn't it.

To the people who say we throw in the towel and just say "Gadi will never 
stop posting off-topic crap, so why bother trying to correct him?", I'd 
suggest that this is a self-defeating attitude. Not only because Gadi 
could actually be posting useful stuff if set on the right path as to what 
is appropriate and what is not, but because 10,000 other people are going 
to be reading that post and thinking that this is appropriate subject 
matter. One off-topic post you can delete, but an entire list which has 
been co-opted by off-topic material can not be fixed.

Unless we're ready to admit that NANOG is completely and totally worthless 
as a forum for discussing network operations, people NEED to step up and 
take responsibility for the "self policing" that we're all supposed to be 
doing in srh's absence.

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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