That's another debate entirely. Last I checked, the mail I get in my inbox I consider mine and thus, I will do as I please with it. Including re-posting if I want. :>

Hmm.. I say forward it along!

Rick Kunkel wroteth on 9/29/2006 1:45 PM:
I thought about cutting and pasting verbatim the notification I got from
InterNAP, but then noticed the "The contents of this email message are
confidential and proprietary" blurb at the end, and thought better of it,
even though they weren't to blame...


On Fri, 29 Sep 2006, Scott Weeks wrote:

----- Original Message Follows -----
From: virendra rode // <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ideally (if I have better luck) I would like to get
providers to direct outage notices to this list. All that

That's not going to happen.  Providers don't want that stuff
public.  Makes 'em look bad...


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