But, I always thought that the purpose of most security was psychological
reassurance anyway...

Reacting to this and the story of just walking through the backdoor to get in -

I think there's an element of self-fulfilling prophecy here. If the legitimate "power" users of the security system (i.e., the royal "we/us") don't take it seriously, the security system will be useless against the nefarious element. It might be that the reason security is often so poorly implemented is that the job is often left to the unmotivated or the untrained (or "differently trained" - I mean in a good way). Perhaps these folks realize that their tasks are scoffed at, further lowering their "gruntlement". (As in "disgruntled.")

What would be different if, instead of exploiting the open back door, the open back door is pointed out to the folks responsible for the facility? I don't mean mentioning this to the security guards who may have interests in back doors remaining open and/or just not reported. Whether the door was left open on purpose or not, a guard may lose a job over it - if the facility management took it seriously.

(What would happen if someone actually obeyed the speed limit in the US?)

One personality trait I find strong in this community is that desire to be able to cut through formality and red-tape and to push convention aside. This can be good for quick and productive innovation but at the same time detracts from the importance of the task at hand.

Security by its nature is not fun, not productive, a drain on resources and time. Security is something we need only because there are bad things out there - nefarious activity, inadvertent neglect, design flaws, etc. At best you have to "put up with security," don't expect to enjoy it.

Arguing about any policy with someone hired to follow it is not productive. The hired can't do much about it, and there is no incentive for them to fix their job. At worst they can lose it by wasting time questioning their supervisors. Concerns about policy have to be raised to the level of those who can do something about it and have an incentive to fix it. No one is going to lay out more money for no more revenue if there's no other upside to it, that has to be kept in mind too.

Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

Secrets of Success #107: Why arrive at 7am for the good parking space?
Come in at 11am while the early birds drive out to lunch.

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