Jeroen Massar wrote:

Apparently there is still some silly [f|s]oul who has to forward NANOG
to blogger and blogger still doesn't handle multipart/signed and thus
very nicely and totally anonymously reports that it fails.

I think it's a larger issue. I don't post often, and just got a bounce from blogger.

Could the blogger folks, who are seemingly uncontactable, please please
please with sugar and strawbarries and whipcream on top include at least
for what address this message is getting gatewayed for so that the
subscription can be yanked from the NANOG list? Of course a full header
trail would be even more useful.

Blogger does not accept multipart/signed files.

It isn't just multipart. Mine was innocent of such, and so only got a vin ordinaire error.

Blogger could not process your message at this time.

Error code: 6.FC02F1

Original message:
[and so on]

Full message and header available to mail admins, but I suspect it won't help.

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
          William Shakespeare

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