On Fri, 27 Oct 2006, Albert Meyer wrote:
> Charles J. Knipe wrote:
> > Paul,
> > As of right now I'm not prepared to comment on our recent outage in this 
> > forum. That said, I do want to discuss your assertion that Register.com is 
> > a source of spam.
> It's pretty well-known that register.com has been a source of spam, and that 
> complaints to them have been ineffective. If you're here to tell us that the 
> problem has recently been fixed, or that you're working on fixing it, people 
> will be happy to hear that. If you're here to tell us that there never was a 
> problem and that we're all just imagining it... you'll need these:
> http://www.spectorracing.com/catalog/category_477_UNDERWEAR_SParco_Racing_Underwear_page_1.html
> Carmyth fabric has a higher flame resistance than any previous material

Interpreting someone else and therefore wrong, he told you that if you get
no help, contact him directly.

I think that's pretty cool, and you will be able to tell if it works or

Let's try and not kill people who try and help, today.


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