At 9:50 AM -0800 11/14/06, Warren Kumari wrote:
>On Nov 13, 2006, at 9:20 AM, chuck goolsbee wrote:
>> ** I assume it is myth, but I've never heard anyone from Google make any 
>> statements that definitively debunks it. Debunking this pervasive among 
>> webmasters and "SEO Experts" myth sure would be a very UN-evil thing to do 
>> if true (Hint hint you Google-folk!)
>Matt Cutts ("Matt Cutts works at the Googleplex and at his blog writes about 
>Google, search engine optimization traps and whatever comes to his mind") has 
>just responded on his blog:
>Now you have somewhere to point them :-)

That's awesome, thanks Warren (and Matt)! Always nice to add another cluebat to 
the quiver. 

--chuck *

* Now waiting ~273 hours for Yahoo!Mail human beings to contact me within their 
promised "48 hours".  Has *anybody* ever heard back from them? Ever?

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