On Mon, 18 Dec 2006, Bill Moran wrote:

> Sure.  No show-stopper.  Just make a reasonable contribution to the
> Fraternal Order of Police and we'll be happy to come investigate your
> breakin-in-progress.

Mr. Moran, I think you're taking quite a bit of creative license in 
describing the situation. :) Microsoft doesn't profit from having you as a 
Hotmail user, except that they can then claim you as another one of their 
gazillion users and occasionally email you telling you you Really Need to 
Take Advantage of Some Non-Free Product Or Service. 

Steve Sobol, Professional Geek ** Java/VB/VC/PHP/Perl ** Linux/*BSD/Windows
Victorville, California     PGP:0xE3AE35ED

It's all fun and games until someone starts a bonfire in the living room.

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