On Jan 6, 2007, at 6:07 AM, Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

I'll try and answer any questions I can, I may be a little restricted in
revealing details of forthcoming developments and so on, so please
forgive me if there's later something I can't answer, but for now I'll
try and answer any of the technicalities. Our philosophy is to pretty
open about how we work and what we do.

Colm, a few random questions as they came to mind:    [;>]

Will your downloads be encrypted/obfuscated? Will your application be port-agile? Is it HTTP, or Something Else?

If it's not encrypted, will you be cache-friendly?

Will you be supporting/enforcing some form of DRM?

Will you be multi-platform?  If so, which ones?

When you say 'TV', do you mean HDTV?  If so, 1080i/1080p?

Will you have Skype-like 'supernode' functionality? If so, will it be user-configurable?

Will you insert ads into the content? If so, will you offer a revenue-sharing model for SPs who wish to participate?

Many thanks!

Roland Dobbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> // 408.527.6376 voice

                    Technology is legislation.

                        -- Karl Schroeder

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