----- Original Message ----- From: Gian Constantine
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: Network end users to pull down 2 gigabytes a day, continuously?

Yes, the NCTC.
I have spoken with two of the vendors you mentioned. Neither have pass-through licensing rights. I still have to go directly to most of the content providers to get the proper licensing rights. There are a few vendors out there who will help a company attain these rights, but the solution is not turnkey on licensing. To be clear, it is not turnkey for the major U.S. content providers.<<

Back in the 'day', these folks were great to work with, but I have no idea of how they 
would deal with "IPTV".

Btw, I thought VoD was one of the main drivers of IPTV, at the local level at 


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