On Sat, 20 Jan 2007, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
> Marshall wrote:
> Those sorts of percentages are common in Pareto distributions (AKA
> > Zipf's law AKA "the 80-20 rule").
> > With the Zipf's exponent typical of web usage and video watching, I
> > would predict something closer to
> > 10% of the users consuming 50% of the usage, but this estimate is not
> > that unrealistic.
> >
> > I would predict that these sorts of distributions will continue as
> > long as humans are the primary consumers of
> > bandwidth.
> >
> > Regards
> > Marshall
> >
> That's until the spambots inherit the world, right?

That is if you see a distinction, metaphorical or physical, between
spambots and real users.

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